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Giving Children Their Best Chance

March 12 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

little boy crawling on floor small

Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)


Infants and toddlers bring a blend of genetics, temperament, fast-paced developmental growth and unique needs to childcare settings. Early care providers can be challenged to understand these needs while also recognizing that infants and toddlers must be active participants in their own development. Activities and discussion will be used to help caregivers explore the important role they play to ensure that infants and toddlers are receiving their best chance in the care of adults who understand their uniqueness and plan for each individual child’s needs.

CLASS Dimensions:

  • Infant: Facilitated Exploration
  • Toddler: Regard for Child Perspectives, Facilitation of Learning and Development

How to register:


Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace